AIM delegation comprised of President Rajkumar Dhurgude, Sameer Pathare and Vaibhav Kashikar had a fruitful meeting with the Agriculture Commissioner of India Dr. SK Malhotra on 23.12.2021.
The meeting went on very well . Various industry issues were discussed including extension for Provisional Registration Certificate date( 31.03.2022) , MRL of 0.01 ppm and three year sale data along with use of AIM Pool Data . He was positive for all above except reducing 3 year sales clause since it’s already included in the Gazette at Provisional Registration stage. AIM has also written to PMO for relaxation of 3 year sales clause.
AIM has also asked representation in CBC sub committee .
AIM will soon send submission for all above points to INM as per AC’s instructions.
AIM also submitted files which were submitted to AIM office in the 1st lot. We will soon declare second lot date of G3 submission.
We will keep you posted for further developments.